Fire Proof Tech’s fire safety glass solutions, with comprehensive variety to requirements
We offer you high-quality products – fire-resistant glass RefraGlass, manufactured using the most modern liquid infusion technology. RefraGlass is produced using high-quality raw materials, photo-curable composition “Refra-01”, providing the properties necessary for this type of product – fire resistance, mechanical strength and long-term, practically unlimited in time, stability of optical properties. The glass can withstand even intense UV radiation, maintaining all its aesthetic and mechanical properties in a wide range of temperatures (-40 — +65°C)
RefraGlass is a triplex structured: sheet glass filled with polymer rubber-like gel. With the help of adhesion promoters, the glass panes are chemically bonded to the intermediate polymer layer making RefraGlass glass safe, even with strong impacts from solid objects, the glass remains glued to the polymer. Level of protection class - CM4
The glass does not deform during improper storage and does not burst when 'overtightening' the pressure plates in facade structures. When manufacturing RefraGlass using tempered glass panes, complete safety is ensured during transportation and installation
The heat transfer resistance coefficient is 0.1 m2 * ° C / W.
The service life of the glass is 10 years.

Fire-Resistant profile filler
Fire Proof Techs innovative product is the profile filler material, “Refrafilling”, suitable for PVC, aluminium and steel profiles
The product comes in the form of a dry mixture substance, which is to be combined with water before use. Once mixed, it turns into a liquid mass similar to that of creamy yoghurt. The time of preservation of the liquid mixture is 6 hours. 12-18 hours after the creation of mixture, the element solidifies
The advantages of Refrafilling, are that you can just as easily fill separate profiles, as well as ready made construction units. This way, you can turn complete dividing units such as doors, windows and partitions into fire-resistant ones, with integrity of up to 60 minutes, including ones already mounted on your premises

Fire-resistant sealant
Fire-resistant sealant 'REFRAGERM' significantly improves fire-resistant properties and stability of translucent structures. The sealant is most often used for
filling gaps between glass edges and frame profiles
filling edges and gaps between door frame ends and partition elements
When heated, it forms a rigid heat-resistant carbonaceous material and reliably blocks flame escaping through these gaps. As numerous fire tests have shown, 'REFRAGERM' significantly more effectively reduces heating of external surfaces of structures compared to traditional thermosetting tapes, its use is especially advisable for fire resistance of structures EI 30/30 - EI 90/90
Fire-resistant sealant 'REFRAGERM' is produced in polyethylene tubes for a standard construction gun, applied to structures at positive temperatures. It can be cooled to - 40 ° C and used after defrosting. The shelf life at 10-23°C is at least 3 months, at negative temperatures it is not limited. Density is 1.4 g/cm3